Friday, 20 January 2012

How to do a Soup diet

What could be better that coming home from the freeeezing cold to find a nice steamy bowl of home made soup, Hannah's very own homemade savoury muffins AND some creme fresh... what a delight.

Whilst most of the time that girl is nothing but horrible... now she has excelled herself. Charlie you picked a baaaad day to be in Bristol my friend, this soup is delish.

This is how to do a soup diet... if I had Hannah to follow me around making exciting soups all day I think I could join all those new year crazies on the famous soup diet that is sweeping our offices at the moment.

Out of pretty much the whole team that started it... one remains. And she has a holiday booked to Florida as motivation for that bikini bod.

That's an idea... maybe I should just get a holiday booked ... that would save Hannah the chef duty.

Sunday, 15 January 2012

A Beautiful Ending

So I have found my latest product love.... introducing Herbal Essences Beautiful Ends range.

I am not normally one for believing in the usual rubbish about one type of shampoo being far superior to the rest. As far as I'm concerned, they all do the same job & are basically the same stuff in different packaging. My hair is always a nightmare & I thought that I just needed to accept the curse of the gene pool and move on.

Well... my opinion has changed now that I have discovered one of Herbal Essences latest triumphs.

My hair is well known for being frizzy, wild and generally unmanageable (I was nicknamed bog brush at school). And with such frizz, this comes with its fair share of split ends. Since coming back from travelling this has been a particular problem. Months of sun, sea and sand *sigh* definitely took its toll on my mane & I've not been able to do too much about it since returning to the UK. Han & I resorted to coating our hair in some Thai seaweed potion every night prior to our arrival back in the UK, but it would appear that wandering around looking like Elphaba did little to resolve the issue.

But no more!

I've started using the whole range of this product that focuses on repairing your split ends. It's amazing to find a simple shampoo and conditioner that pretty much does the trick. Whack on an intensive conditioner and leave in conditioner every now and then and Kate Middleton tresses here I come!

And its not even just the split ends that it sorts out... my hairs soft, its shiny, its smooth... Herbal where have you been all my life!?

So a beautiful ending to my years of shampoo & conditioner woes, finally the quest for the perfect product has finished and I will not be turning back!

Saturday, 14 January 2012

All the Way from Norway

Last weekend as a celebration of our travelling anniversary, Han & I hopped on a plane to Norway to visit our friend Cecilie that we met with her other Norwegian cronie in Brazil & then proceeded to rendezvous at various other locations across the globe.

More info on this can we found at my other blog that I wrote while we were away...

So I won't bother boring with repeats of these details.

I will, however share with you an extremely exciting new addition that we have to our house all the way from the land of the vikings.

How my mother is going to kill me when she sees these! Mwah ha ha ha ha

Thursday, 12 January 2012

Christmas at the Tardis

Well I'm sorry to say that Christmas seems like a very long time ago now, but its taken me a while to get round to the customary Christmas blog update. My feet have barely touched the ground since Christmas so I haven't had much time for blogging at all. Oh well... new years resolution... try and do one a week!

Anyway, Christmas at the Tardis was by no means a small affair. Not only has the house been decorated since the beginning of December (with co ordinated decorations might I add, victory was mine after all) but we had games, we had dancing, we had party food, ginger bread men, mulled wine and giant crackers. Fabulous.

As we didn't have enough time or will power to complete the arduous task of the Christmas dinner, we took inspiration from the wonderful Miss Solomon and her Iceland extravaganza. What you can't get from Iceland for £1 isn't worth having. And everything is a 'mini'. Well it starts off as a mini until you've eaten so many of them that it may as well be a double a 'biggy', but all that's for January to worry about... calorie is a word that should be banned in December.

So after eating until we were sick it was time for....



Oh and what an impressive beast it was. Clearly it would've been a bit sad just to sit round the 3 of us pulling 12 crackers (that is one set of mini's that Iceland doesn't produce). So instead it was decided that one enormous one would be a better idea.

That teamed up with Santa Claus (one of my all time fave Christmas films) went down pretty well. Oh and the pressies... they were pretty cool too :)