Thursday, 12 January 2012

Christmas at the Tardis

Well I'm sorry to say that Christmas seems like a very long time ago now, but its taken me a while to get round to the customary Christmas blog update. My feet have barely touched the ground since Christmas so I haven't had much time for blogging at all. Oh well... new years resolution... try and do one a week!

Anyway, Christmas at the Tardis was by no means a small affair. Not only has the house been decorated since the beginning of December (with co ordinated decorations might I add, victory was mine after all) but we had games, we had dancing, we had party food, ginger bread men, mulled wine and giant crackers. Fabulous.

As we didn't have enough time or will power to complete the arduous task of the Christmas dinner, we took inspiration from the wonderful Miss Solomon and her Iceland extravaganza. What you can't get from Iceland for £1 isn't worth having. And everything is a 'mini'. Well it starts off as a mini until you've eaten so many of them that it may as well be a double a 'biggy', but all that's for January to worry about... calorie is a word that should be banned in December.

So after eating until we were sick it was time for....



Oh and what an impressive beast it was. Clearly it would've been a bit sad just to sit round the 3 of us pulling 12 crackers (that is one set of mini's that Iceland doesn't produce). So instead it was decided that one enormous one would be a better idea.

That teamed up with Santa Claus (one of my all time fave Christmas films) went down pretty well. Oh and the pressies... they were pretty cool too :)

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