One very exciting thing about our new pad is our garden. Obviously when your ridiculously hungover after a horrible night out with Miss Hadley, the most intelligent thing to try and do is mow the lawn, there's nothing better than that droning noise for a pounding head. Only after you've had a KFC and several pints of water of course.
It's pretty full of weeds, brambles and stinging nettles at the moment, but han and I have taken them on, and come the spring there should be (if everything goes to plan) some lovely bulbs coming out from the horrible mess that's out there at the moment.
We were lacking in gardening tools which meant that we just had to kind of dig around the nettles and pull out the few weeds that we could. Most of them have clearly been there for a while and were a bit much for our hands!
I had a fair few stings and cuts by the end of it, namely due to the fact that still don't have any proper gardeney type tools. So, obviously in a moment of epiphany we came up with the ingenious solution that spoons would be a much better method than the traditional trowel.
It was a great idea to start with but by the end of the flowerbed challenge I was suffering from blisters & cramp. It better be worth it come March, I'm expecting something to rival the Chelsea Flower Show. Whether we've actually managed to plant any of the bulbs in deep enough to actually grow is debatable. That snow better stay away for a while yet.
We'll be doing crazy things like ironing next.... watch this space.
We'll be doing crazy things like ironing next.... watch this space.
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