Sunday, 27 November 2011

Co-ordinated Christmas?

Finally I feel like I'm allowed to say that it's time to get Christmassy. Working in retail generally means that I've been in a Christmas mindset since July, it's actually technically Valentines day for me now. But, with X Factor nearly finishing, the Christmas music being in the shops, the decorations being up in Covent Garden, the coca cola ad being on the TV and the extreme crowds gathering in Oxford Street, it's here. Only 3 more days until the first advent calendar can be opened and we can light our all important advent calendar that has been waiting for its moment of fame since September.

We are trying our hardest in the house to hold out and wait until December before we can put the Christmas decorations up. I'm going home tomorrow and no doubt mummy Crouch will probably have the halls well and truely decked already.

How exactly we decorate the house is something that is still up for contention. Whilst I, like Mummy Crouch, like to go for a co-ordinated plan to Christmas decorations with themed rooms; gold for the living room; red for the kitchen etc. But, in contrast Han & Charlie seem to be in the "we've just thrown up Christmas" camp. We'll see what prevails. I have a horrible feeling I may be losing on this one as I am outnumbered. Maybe, I'll just let them decorate and then when I beat them home have a quick rearrange!

The other week we had a lovely little reunion with our German friend Toby. We met him in Vietnam and have had our random little meet ups in Cambodia and now London. Another one of our travelly crew that's decided to come over to England for uni & another one of the peeps that we now get to show the sights that London has to offer. We went on a trip to Covent Garden. My fave place at Christmas. Largely because of the beautifully well co-ordinated decorations that they put up at this time of year.

Not only is there a giant Christmas tree, there is also a giant reindeer, giant baubles AND giant candy canes and they're all in red. Perfect.

 Anyway, we had a lovely morning of street performances, violinists & roast Chestnuts... could we get any more British I wonder?

So we've gone from rendevouz in blazing hot sunshine with Toby, to wintery afternoons a la Londres. Hopefully it won't be too long until we can have sunshine meet ups again!

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